Category: Cook

Spring Break

As many people know, there is a trip to Greece this spring break. For the people going it is pretty exciting. We get to go on a cruise and will get to see many landmarks in Greece. We are on the trip for all of spring break. This is the first time that we get to go out of the country for a school trip. I bet that everyone on the trip will have a great time.


If you can read this text good for you!

Summer Plans

SUMMER! I cannot wait. My family has a tradition that if you get good grades all through seventh grade, you get a trip to Hawaii with just your grandparents. So, this summer I am going to Hawaii with my grandma, grandpa, and cousin (who is the same age as me). I am so excited. When we are there I am going to go snorkeling, parasailing, swimming in the lagoon, and having an AWESOME time at the beach. I am so excited!

So,  what are you doing for summer?

~Queen Paprika

Separate Blogs?

I’m thinking of creating a separate class blog for each 7th grade math class but what is stopping me is there is an extra cost to that.  If you can convince me that Mrs. Clark’s class should have a separate blog from Ms. Cook’s class, please comment on this post.

Please let me know if you would like a class blog separate from the other class and why or why not?

Please comment on what you think the advantages or disadvantages of both a combined class blog or a separate class blog.  For example, naming the blog, having separate blog titles, header images, etc.