Category: Clark

Summer Break

I am so excited for summer break! I am going to San Antonio and I am going to see my family and my friends. I am not looking forward to the scalding weather. But nether the less I will make the best of it.

Spring Break Plans!

Over spring break I am going to Texas to take a test to get into a school called Grace! This is going to be a big step for me to move to Texas. I love it here, it is beautiful and almost always has good weather. The only good thing about moving is that I will live close to family.

Hey you, the one is looking at this post, is there any advice you can give me for when I move to Texas?

Spring Break Plans Baby!!!!!!!

I am going to San Antonio this spring break, and I am going to spend a lot of time with my family and friends. I am also going to move some of my family’s belongings to San Antonio so that we can get ready to move back. So excited, but I’m also sad at the same time. I also might hang out with a couple of my friends like Dale, Jenessea, Monay, and Rebecka.

Honoring The Fallen

In the past couple weeks there have been many shootings across our nation including police officers and just civilian shootings. On February 10 a Mesa county sheriff Derek Geer was killed in the line of duty. To many of us in this town he was a hero – instead of throwing people in jail he would help them get their lives back on a good track, besides being a sheriff he was also a loving father, husband, son, brother, a mentor, a hero and a beloved  friend. In that week Derek was one of nine officers killed in the line of duty. But this one so close to home that it just rocked me when I found out the last time a sheriff was killed in action in Mesa county was in 19th century. So lets have a little respect for our officers, because of all the shootings I’m left wondering what has happened to our amazing country. We say it once and I say it again R.I.P. deputy Derek Geer.







police badge
hoto Credit: Inventorchris via Compfight cc